Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12th....

Six's hard to believe it's already been six weeks since Addison's surgery.......on the flip side it's hard to believe it's only been six weeks.
Addison has been amazing through this whole process. She is such a strong, beautiful young lady and I am very proud and honored to be her mother. 
There will never be enough thank yous Thomas and I could say to express our gratitude for everything that has been done for our family.  We are blessed and humbled.
The Lord has brought Addison and us through this very difficult time and answered so many prayers.  He is a
Good God!
Fats were added to her diet yesterday so now we we'll just watch and see if her belly swells. If it does then the cut lymphatic vessel isn't healed, if it doesn't then it is, I'm counting on the latter. 
Returning home is getting closer and closer!
Pictures today provided by my silly daughter on the kiddie playground here. Lol


  1. I like the pictures. Glad she is feeling like playing. Tell Dawn hello for me. Praying that she will do good with the fats. Love you guys!

  2. Praying all will go well with the "fats" processing issue. Good to see Addison
    able to have fun and enjoy simple pleasures of being young!! Thinking and pray-
    ing for Micah also. As each day passes, please remember the old but true say-
    ing: "It won't be as long as it has been..." till you are at home where you
    long to be. Thomas P>

  3. Another blessing from the LORD JESUS!!! So glad to see Addison outside being so happy with no pain. We're praying all will go well with the fats in her diet. Also for Micah to keep improving. Home is where the heart is , and it is nearer each day. Love you both.
    Shirley H.

  4. I always enjoy the posts and pictures and I am amazed at how well Addison has done. God's grace is AMAZING and I'm so thankful Addison has done so well. These pictures are my favorites. Can't wait for you both to be back home. Love you much!
    Nancy Woods
