Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8th.....

Today was a doctor day. Addison had three appointments today, as did Micah.  Addison gets to try and add fats back to her diet on Thursday.  The hope is that the cut vessel has repaired itself at this point.  If it isn't fixed, when she starts to eat fats her belly will swell up.  Then we'll have to revisit surgical options to repair the vessel.  Pray for no swollen belly this weekend please.  Also, please pray for Micah, they are discussing putting him back in the hospital, his nausea and vomiting is still pretty severe and he has dropped two pounds this week.  They will know more after seeing the surgeon tomorrow.  Happy Birthday to Caroline!  Miss you guys! Wishing I was Dorothy with her red slippers and could click my heels to get back to North Carolina.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that Micah may have to go back to the hospital. I'll be praying for him and Addison! I hope that everything will be alright. Love you both very much! Everything's going to be alright! God hasn't brought her this far to stop now! God bless, Sandy Price

  2. April and Addison, we are praying that GOD will help you through this, and I know HE will. I do hope this will be a great week for all of you and Micah will improve and get back to normal real soon! We serve a great GOD who can answer prayer and also heal. Lean on HIM and trust HIM for HIS will to be done. All of you are in our prayers and please tell Addison I love her and miss you both.
    Shirley H.

  3. Praying for all! Please be encouraged and let Micah know that we are praying for
    him during this temporary setback. Our LORD is the Father of mercies and the God
    of all comfort. Kindest regards to all!!! Thomas P.
