Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 4 Post OP AM

Can't believe it's day 4 post surgery and then it also feels like we've been here months.  She wasn't feeling like having the paparazzi around this morning, so no picture.  Still working through the pain. The epidural is a good/bad thing I reckon.  Good when it's in and numbing the area, bad when it goes away and you have this added pain you weren't feeling before.  It has frustrated her because she is wondering why it's getting worse instead of better. I have to remind her it's not getting worse, just that she's feeling more of it that was already there but was being masked by the epidural. 
Today's plan is to take the pain pump away, pull the surgical drain out and get a shower. 
Alright Day 4, let's do this..... 


  1. Hope all goes as planned and you get your shower. That is always refreshing!!!!!!. We're praying each day is a little easier and you gain more strength, and less pain. Love all of you and you are in our prayers.
    Shirley H.

    1. Thanks Shirley. Love you guys

    2. We are praying for you Bailey hope you feel better soon love lorena and jeff foster
