Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Morning after

Just got to see April this morning...nurse said she did great last night...she was able to sleep all night which is rare for a new surgery patient. She's still very sleepy and says she can't focus which is driving her crazy...but other than that she is doing amazing! They are going to cut back on her pain meds gradually today so she should wake up more and more as the day goes on. I can't figure out how to put pictures on this blog or I would post a pic of just how beautiful she still looks after major surgery. :)I'll try to get one of my brilliant daughters to help me post a pic later today. Thanks for all of the prayers! I told preacher Safriet last night we're living proof they are working! Keep praying!


  1. YES, YES, I know for sure that GOD answers prayer. Our precious daughter is cancer free because of prayer. Thomas we are praying for April, Bailey, and all the family. We love all of you and everything will be all right if we Trust JESUS.
    S. H.

  2. Love and prayers to you all!
