Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 5 Post Op into Day 6...

Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated. Having a few setbacks which is not uncommon with such a major surgery.  Addison has a rare surgical complication called chylous ascites which means a major lymph vessel that carries lymph fluid, fats and triglycerides was cut during surgery so now there is a build up of lymph fluid and triglycerides in her abdominal cavity.  Dr. C says he has seen it a few times and is not overly concerned at this point. First line of treatment is to change tube feedings to fat free formula to reduce what the cut vessel is putting out into the belly and allow the vessel to heal itself over the next few weeks.  They were able to catch this by watching the surgical drain which is putting out a milky white pink fluid pretty excessively. Sent a fluid sample from the drain to the lab to confirm a high concentration of triglycerides in the fluid.  If it doesn't repair itself then we will address that later.  Also, she has still not been able to have a bowel movement and just now she had to have a catheter placed because she also is having trouble urinating.  This was a big big surgery and things like this are expected but they are still hard to watch.  We love you all and appreciate everything and each of you, just continue praying for our strong girl. Thanks.


  1. I am keeping Addison and all of you in my prayers. I'm glad that she has wonderful Dr.'s and staff to catch what was wrong, I have faith that it will heal. God is going to keep watch over her like he has been. She is doing really well with the operation that she had. Thank You for keeping us updated, I really appreciate it. We all Love her and your Family.

    1. Thanks Holly we really appreciate all the prayers and encouragement. We love you guys.

  2. April, we are praying that GOD will give her what she needs to improve. HE'S a GREAT GOD and the HEALER, so trust HIM AND I KNOW HE will come through for her. Give her our love and we are praying for the family.
    Love and Prayers
    Shirley Herman
