Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday, June 22nd....

Today was just a lazy day for us girls.  Just hung out and watched the rain.  They had to put the NG tube back down Micah's throat to try and relieve the stress on his stomach and intestines from non stop vomiting.  The hopes are that the tube being back in place will allow inflammation where the stomach and intestines meet to calm and shrink down opening up the flow.  Please continue praying for him and that the tube being replaced fixes things. 
We also had a visit from another thirteen year old girl and her mother from Montana who are actually having a three day camp in town for pancreatitis children.  It was so nice to talk and relate and share stories.  They have invited us to attend any portions of the camp Addison feels up to.  Tomorrow they are having a get together which they have moved here to accommodate Addison, very kind and gracious people.
Addison's please quit taking my picture face


  1. Glad to hear that Addison is doing good and up and about! Sorry to hear that Micah is having a difficult time. Will continue praying for him and Addison! Love you both!
