Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 6 Post Op....

This evening has ended on a much improved note over the last couple of days. More alert and able to interact with others and finally had a small result in the bowel issue.  She is so strong and courageous and has handled this better than any adult would or could.  Thankful to God for looking after her and us and thankful for setting a little more sparkle in her eyes this evening.  The leak into the drain seems improved by holding the feedings so hopefully that can resolve itself without need of surgical repair.  Thank you all for the prayers, love and support through all of this.

1 comment:

  1. Thank GOD for answering prayer. Hope each day is an improvement for Addison , and it truly will make everyone feel so much better. HE is a GREAT GOD and we need to praise HIM. All of the family are in our prayers especially Addison.
    Love to all
    Shirley Herman
