Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17th.....

Today is our first day of outpatient doctor appointments which will run through the end of July.  Addison is feeling pretty darn good, still taking pain meds regularly but trying to eat a little here and there.  Her blood sugar had been so so, a little too low and too high but nothing dangerous.  We are going to visit Micah between appointments but I heard he did three laps in the picu yesterday. He is bound and determined not to let his girl cousin show him up, lol.  Thanks to all of you for the continued prayers, encouragement and support. Each of you are very special to us and our family.  Addison misses North Carolina so she has overtaken my Tarheel blanket because she says it makes her feel and think of home. :) Though you'll see in the picture while she slept her aunt Dawn snuck a University of Kentucky blanket on her lol.  Hopefully there is no permanent damage. :p


  1. I'm so happy that Addison's doing so great. It sounds like Micah's really strong too. Keeping all of you in my prayers and my thoughts always. Tell Addison that NC misses her too!! Love You All :)

  2. April, it is so good to see Addison up and smiling. She looks so good and I know she would love to be back home, but as good as she is doing it won't be long. WLBC will probable have a good shouting time. Also, I forgot to tell we are praying for Micah too. I hope he will do as well as Addison. Love to all,
    Shirley H.
    p.s. keep the Tarheel blanket on her and it will sure keep her warm. I am on your side!

    1. Thanks Shirley. Definitely keeping the Tarheel blanket as the primary. lol

  3. Thank God for this major step in your return home. As each day passes I'm sure
    you will be encouraged to see your goal of returning home getting closer and
    closer. As the song of the past says: "One day at a time sweet Jesus,...".
    At the end of each day we can thank the LORD and say: "Well, it won"t be as
    long as it has been!!" Keeping you in prayer... Thomas P.

  4. I think that blanket may have healing properties!! lol I am seeing God's healing hand each day! Love, Aunt Dawn

    1. I doubt that very seriously, but thanks for the effort. lol Love ya sis
