Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday, June 19th

Addison is still doing really good. We are excited that Preacher Rick is flying in tomorrow for a visit. :)  Micah is still having a rough time with nausea and vomiting. :(  Today we visited him and he was very pitiful looking, please continue praying for him.  Our exciting adventure for the day was a trip to the pharmacy. Lol. Hope everyone in NC is well. 
For pictures today I'd thought I would share the pictures the doctors gave me of Addison's pancreas.  Also, the report of how bad it was.  My favorite part is the firmness description....rock like.  The yellow mess of a picture is her islets under the microscope.


  1. It is so amazing what GOD can do, and the knowledge HE gives to Drs. and the nurses. Praying for all and hope Micah will feel better soon.
    Love to all
    Shirley H.

  2. Glad to hear that Addison had a good day. Praying for poor Micah. I hate throwing up myself. I hope that he gets over that part soon! Love you both very much! Loved the picture of Addison and Micah smiling. God bless! Sandy Price

  3. So glad to hear Addison is doing well! She is such a brave and strong young lady (like her mom)!! Micah is in our prayers!! You have been inspiring me to do a blog during my journey and my lung transplant and after these pics I am so excited to share. Sending love and hugs to you all!!!

    Lisa Sparks

    1. Thanks Lisa. Would love to follow your story. Send me the blog link when you can. Hugs back :)

  4. "I will praise thee;for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy
    works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14

    Thomas P.

  5. Very interesting. Wow it was so bad and I'm so glad that is out of her body now. XOXO Praying
